Warhammer The Old World – One Day Tournament.
The Hall of Heroes invites you to play in our monthly The Old World Tournament.
Time Table for the day.
09:00 Player Registration
09:30 Round One Starts
12:00 End Round One, and Break
12.30 Round Two Starts
15:00 Round Two Ends
15:15 Round Three Starts
17:45 Round Three Ends
18:00 Presentation of Prizes
Army Composition.
2000 Points, Armies mustered from Forces of Fantasy, Ravening Hordes, Arcane Journals, or Legacy Armies pdf.
Allies are allowed.
Mercenaries are allowed.
We are not restricting your army selections as such, but we would expect that players will bring armies that are chilled and more focused on a balanced or combined arms army.
So let's keep the 'beardiness' and 'cheeseyness' to a minimum, give your opponents the benefit of the doubt have fun for the day.
This is because we are looking to grow a community through friendly competition, where we all learn and grow together in this game and hobby
If in doubt about your army list or plan for your army to ensure it meets a chill gaming experience for the day, please contact The Hall of Heroes and have a chat with us.
New release army lists are valid so long as they are released at least two weeks before the event, and Games Workshop FAQs are valid so long as they are released at least a week before the event.
Register for our tournaments at New Recruit
Woods are dangerous terrain, Hills are open ground, magical vortexes are not terrain features even if they are treated as dangerous terrain.
We will be running the scenarios from the Rulebook, with the following amendments to the scenarios.
Scenario 1 Open Battle – No amendments
Scenario 2 Break Point – The Player who breaks the other Player first, is awarded an additional 250 Victory Points at the end of the game (either by turns or time), the scenario now lasts for 6 turns.
Scenario 3 Flank Attack – No amendments
Scenario 4 Meeting Engagement – No amendments
Scenario 5 Mountain Pass – No amendments
Scenario 6 Command and Control – The Player who controls the central objective at the end of the game (either by turns or time) is awarded an additional 250 Victory Points.
Tables will be 72” by 48”, terrain will have been setup prior to the start of Round One, please leave the terrain in place, we like to have each table telling a story with how the terrain has been laid out.
We are using the 20-0 scoring system for the tournament as shown below:
VP Difference |
Winner TP |
Looser TP |
0-200 |
10 |
10 |
201-400 |
11 |
9 |
401-600 |
12 |
8 |
601-800 |
13 |
7 |
801-1000 |
14 |
6 |
1001-1200 |
15 |
5 |
1201-1400 |
16 |
4 |
1401-1600 |
17 |
3 |
1601-1900 |
18 |
2 |
1901-2200 |
19 |
1 |
2201+ |
20 |
0 |
Prizes will be made up from the following categories.
Best Painted Regiment (9+ wounds of models), judged by the Staff
Best Painted Character, judged by the Staff
Best Sportsmanship, voted by the players
Best Themed Army, voted by the Staff and players
The Heldenhammer, the Lucky Door Prize for one player chosen at random from those who have not won a prize in the same event.
What to bring.
Your army!
Army roster, Old World Builder is a useful tool for tracking the status of you units and can be run off your smart phone or tablet
Rulebook, Army Book, Arcane Journal, Legacy Army List, FAQs
Dice, tape measure, templates and tokens
A relaxed and happy to play mindset
Warhammer Community has the most recent FAQs and Legacy Army Lists
Converted Models/Units
Many players “scratch build” or heavily convert elements of their model collection, and these activities are a hallowed part of Warhammer hobby history. For the sake of fairness, any conversion should be comparable in size to the most current version of the model they represent. You may not gain a benefit from converted models, but may incur penalties.
We also ask that 3D prints of Citadel miniatures are not used, so we are not breaching any of the contractual obligations we have.