Warhammer 40K Championship 2025

Warhammer 40K Championship 2025

- Monthly Tournament -

Battle your way across the Galaxy every month, and pave your path to being crowned the Grand Champion of 2025!


Where: The Hall of Heroes Campbelltown





Round One


Lunch & Painting Judging


Round Two


Round Three


Awards Ceremony


Venue Closes



Strike Force - 2000

Army Starting CP:


Rule Set:

Pariah Nexus Tournament Compendium


Players wishing to use Legends units are to contact the Hall of Heroes prior to the event for approval.



Best General (based on scenario results)

Best Painted (unit or character chosen by player to be judged by staff)

Best Sports (players rank their opponents 3, 2, 1, much like at a sports event)

Best Overall (based on points scored across the other three categories)

Tools of War:

Attendees are expected to bring their army, dice, a tape measure, all relevant rules publications including the Pariah Nexus card deck, and at least 2 physical copies of their army roster (one for the Event staff and one for each opponent). If you are using any electronic devices to carry your official rules references, please ensure they are charged and available for reference at all times.


Army Construction All armies in these tournaments must be Strike Force sized (not exceed 2000 points) and follow the guidelines set out on pages 55 and 56 of the Core Rules, found in the following Games Workshop publications with the cut off date being one week before the event:

  • Codexes/Index Cards
  • Warhammer 40,000: The App
  • Campaign Books
  • Chapter Approved Mission Deck
  • White Dwarf
  • FAQs, errata, and beta rules found HERE
  • Army lists should be presented in an easy to read format (such as army lists exported from BattleForge in Warhammer 40,000: The App), including all relevant wargear and unit upgrades.

Best Coast Pairings

Best Coast Pairings will be used for running the event. We recommend familiarising yourself with the software as it will speed up registration for you on the day. This must be done before Round 1.

Online registration will open up during the week ahead of the event and we will email you out all the details.

Please note it is not a requirement for you to sign up to use Best Coast Pairings. If you do not wish to do this we can register you in person on the day of the event.

Converted Models/Units

Many players “scratch build” or heavily convert elements of their model collection, and these activities are a hallowed part of Warhammer hobby history. For the sake of fairness, any conversion should be comparable in size to the most current version of the model they represent. You may not gain a benefit from converted models, but may incur penalties.

We also ask that 3D prints of Citadel miniatures are not used, so we are not breaching any of the contractual obligations we have.


Terrain layouts and mission selection will follow those found in the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion.

Please familiarise yourself with this document before the event, and if you have any questions please email us at events@thehallofheroes.com.au.

Pairings Your opponent for your first game will be randomly determined.

Subsequent rounds will pair players by the following criteria:

  • By record (i.e. the number of wins, losses and draws)
  • By win path (i.e. the timing of the rounds in which a player won or lost their games)
  • Randomly within players of the same ranking If you ever find yourself facing off against a player you have faced previously, please contact a member of the events team.


At the end of each game please input your scores into Best Coast Pairings.

These will then be used to calculate the Best General standings.

The overall winner of the event will be determined by the number of victories achieved at the event, followed by the number of Victory Points scored during each game.

Opponents Game win percentage will be used as the first tiebreaker.


Table Layouts Terrain layouts will follow those found in the Pariah Nexus Tournament Companion. Please familiarise yourself with this document before the event, and if you have any questions please email us at events@thehallofheroes.com.au.

While each table may have a different aesthetic or theme, every table will use the same deployment and terrain setup in any given round of the event.